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Danenhower Apiaries, LLC
Herman Danenhower of Danenhower Apiaries, LLC has been keeping bees since 1972 in beautiful Pennsylvania Dutch country. In 1993 Herman began his unique process of using half-comb containers for the honeybees to create fresh, delicious honeycomb. His customers enjoy the extremely pure, delicate product that is truly one of a kind.
Herman recently invented the Hogg Half Comb Frame for beekeepers everywhere to be able to create beautiful half comb honeycombs directly in their own Langstroth hive.

Herman Danenhower
Herman working the bee hives.

Danenhower Apiaries
One of Herman's apiaries in Kutztown, PA.

Fresh 12 oz. honeycomb

Herman Danenhower
Herman working the bee hives.
249 Dietrich Valley Road, Kutztown, PA 19530
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